Fruit Fever | Ethiopia – Fruity & Fresh


A fruity explosion.

This astonishing coffee with notes of passion fruit, mango and hazelnuts has a lovely sweetness. Best enjoyed as a cold brew or light espresso.


Notes : Passion fruit, mango and hazelnut
Range : Explore
Origin : Ethiopia
Region  : Guji
Producer : Tabe Burka station
Altitude : 1850 m
Variety : 100% Arabica – Heirloom
Process: Nature
SCA score : 85


The Tabe Burka coffee washing and drying station is located near the town of Suke Waraqata, in the Guji appellation. The coffee offered here is collected from farmers who work the land within a 10 to 20 km radius of the station, and is produced under orchards in an area with a long history of coffee growing.

The fertile soils of the Ethiopian highlands support a mixed farming system that allows farmers to combine food crops and coffee on the same plots. The enset (false banana tree) has the particularity of retaining water in its trunk for many months.

Its presence in the middle of the coffee trees ensures constant humidity throughout the plot and helps the trees to withstand drier periods.

French Press
SKU: N/A Category:

A fruity explosion.

This astonishing coffee with notes of passion fruit, mango and hazelnuts has a lovely sweetness. Best enjoyed as a cold brew or light espresso.


Notes : Passion fruit, mango and hazelnut
Range : Explore
Origin : Ethiopia
Region  : Guji
Producer : Tabe Burka station
Altitude : 1850 m
Variety : 100% Arabica – Heirloom
Process: Nature
SCA score : 85


The Tabe Burka coffee washing and drying station is located near the town of Suke Waraqata, in the Guji appellation. The coffee offered here is collected from farmers who work the land within a 10 to 20 km radius of the station, and is produced under orchards in an area with a long history of coffee growing.

The fertile soils of the Ethiopian highlands support a mixed farming system that allows farmers to combine food crops and coffee on the same plots. The enset (false banana tree) has the particularity of retaining water in its trunk for many months.

Its presence in the middle of the coffee trees ensures constant humidity throughout the plot and helps the trees to withstand drier periods.


Peur de manquer de café ?

Nous proposons des formules abonnement avec des réductions sur les prix tant pour les particuliers que pour les entreprises. Pour recevoir nos conditions n’hésitez pas à nous contactez par mail :


Les commandes seront livrées à l’adresse de livraison indiquée dans le bon de commande.
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Nous faisons appel à des transporteurs tels que Bpost ou DPD ; ou dans certains cas spécifiques à d’autres transporteurs.

Frais de livraisons
Woodster ne livre actuellement qu’en Belgique et dans les pays limitrophes à la Belgique ; à savoir : France, Pays-Bas, Luxembourg, Allemagne. Nous ne gagnons aucun argent sur les frais de livraison que nous essayons de diminuer le plus possible pour le consommateur final. Vous trouverez donc ci-dessous les frais liés à votre localisation :
Belgique :
Frais de livraison : 7,00€
Livraison gratuite à partir de 50€ d’achat

EU zone 1 : Pays-Bas, Luxembourg, Allemagne
Frais de livraison : 8,50€
Livraison gratuite à partir de 70€ d’achat

EU zone 2 : France
Frais de livraison : 10,00€
Livraison gratuite à partir de 100€ d’achat

Pour d’autres pays, merci de nous contacter par mail :

Livraison locale
Nous offrons la livraison quelque soit le montant dans les communes de Belgique suivantes : Mont-Saint-Guibert, Court-Saint-Etienne, Rixensart, La Hulpe et Ottignies.
N’oubliez pas de choisir cette option lors de votre commande.

Besoin d’une facture ?
Si vous achetez des produits en tant qu’entreprise et que vous avez besoin d’une facture ; il vous suffit de remplir les champs adéquats lors de la commande et la facture vous sera envoyée par mail.


Orders will be delivered to the delivery address indicated on the order form.
We do our best to send your package as soon as we receive your order. However, deliveries are only made on working days.
We use carriers such as Bpost or DPD; or in specific cases other carriers.

Delivery charges
Woodster currently only delivers to Belgium and countries bordering Belgium, namely: France, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Germany. We don’t make any money on delivery charges, which we try to keep as low as possible for the end consumer. You will therefore find below the charges linked to your location:
Belgium :
Delivery charge: €7.00
Free delivery for orders over €50

EU zone 1: Netherlands, Luxembourg, Germany
Delivery charge: €8.50
Free delivery on orders over €70

EU zone 2 : France
Delivery charge: €10.00
Free delivery on orders over €100

For other countries, please contact us by e-mail:

Local delivery
We offer delivery for any amount in the following municipalities in Belgium: Mont-Saint-Guibert, Court-Saint-Etienne, Rixensart, La Hulpe and Ottignies.
Don’t forget to select this option when you place your order.

Do you need an invoice?
If you buy products as a company and need an invoice, simply fill in the appropriate fields when ordering and the invoice will be sent to you by e-mail.


Worried about running out of coffee?

We offer subscription formulas with price reductions for both individuals and companies. To receive our terms and conditions, please contact us by e-mail:

Additional information
Weight 0,5 kg
Dimensions 50 × 50 × 130 cm

1kg, 250g


Beans, Ground, Espresso, Moka, French Press, Aeropress